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Louise Broadbridge
Louise Broadbridge
Perineal Massage

Which Oil is the best oil for perineal massage?

Welcoming a new life into the world is the most wonderful experience for any expectant mother but for many it comes with some anxiety around the actual birth. Understandably you are venturing into unfamiliar territory and that can be worrying. My advice to expectant parents is to get as much education as you can so you are informed no matter what your birthing journey is.

One of the concerns I hear regularly from expectant parents is around tearing in birth. Nobody wants to consider a tear down there and whilst it does happen, there is something you can do to reduce the risk. I recommend perineal massage to help increase flexibility and reduce the risk of tearing during delivery. For more information on this, take a look at my free download here.

The most important thing about perineal massage is to do it correctly and for long enough. 3 times per week from 34 weeks is the rule of thumb. If you start later just do it more often. How long do you need to do the massage for to get the stretch memory into the cells - the recommendation is 5-10 minutes. It is essential to do the massage for a minimum of 5 minutes each time. This is not easy as it is uncomfortable but most important.

Not all oils are suitable for this delicate area so it is important that you choose the right oil. In this blog post, we'll explore various options, addressing common questions surrounding coconut oil, olive oil, jojoba oil, vitamin E oil, and baby oil. This will help you to assess the different perineal oils available on the market and ensure you choose one that is gentle on your vagina!

Let’s start first with what is NOT suitable for massaging your perineal area:

  • Essential Oils - these are highly concentrated and too strong for the sensitive perineal area. They can cause irritation, allergic reactions and discomfort
  • Fragrances Oils - fragrances and perfumes may contain irritants which can be harsh on sensitive skin increasing the chances of reaction.
  • Mineral Oil - this is a by-product of petroleum refining and is not absorbed by the skin. It leaves a barrier on the skin but does not nourish the skin.
  • Petroleum based oils - as with mineral oils, these oils create a barrier on the skin and do not nourish or absorb in the same way as plant based oils.
  • Synthetic oils - these oils usually include preservatives and synthetic substances and chemicals which are not suitable for this sensitive area of the body. It is important to stick to natural oils for your skin, especially this highly delicate area.
  • Oils with additives and preservatives - steer clear from any oils that are not 100% natural and pure. Anything with additives or preservatives can cause irritation, discomfort or a reaction.

Is Coconut Oil Safe for Perineal Massage?

Coconut oil has gained popularity in recent years for its versatility and numerous health benefits. Rich in lauric acid and with natural antimicrobial properties, coconut oil is often praised for its skin-nourishing qualities. However, when it comes to perineal massage, is it a good option?

Coconut oil is generally considered safe for perineal massage, owing to its natural composition and moisturising properties. Its antimicrobial characteristics may provide added protection. However, its solid form at room temperature makes it alot less convenient for application. Coupled with its lingering coconut scent makes it less appealing for many. It also does not absorb quickly, which is not good for massage and many people dislike the scent.

Is Olive Oil Safe for Perineal Massage?

Known for its culinary uses and skin-friendly attributes, olive oil is a staple in many households. When considering perineal massage, olive oil is generally safe for perineal massage, given its moisturizing properties and natural components. However, some caution against using extra virgin olive oil due to its potential for irritation. It is also a heavier texture.

The oil may sensitise, when applied topically and other studies suggests that the oil may cause allergic reactions and smarting.

Is Jojoba Oil Safe for Perineal Massage?

Jojoba oil, derived from the seeds of the jojoba plant, is praised for its similarity to the skin's natural oils. It is often used in skincare for its moisturizing and non-greasy feel.

Jojoba oil is a great choice for perineal massage, thanks to its gentle and non-irritating nature. It closely mimics the skin's sebum, making it an excellent choice for those with sensitive skin. It has no noticeable scent which is another reason why it is popular for down there.

Is Vitamin E Oil Safe for Perineal Massage?

Vitamin E oil is renowned for its antioxidant properties and potential skin benefits. As an ingredient in many skincare products, you would imagine it is suitable for perineal massage. It is generally safe for perineal massage, and its antioxidant qualities may contribute to skin health. However, some individuals may be sensitive to pure vitamin E oil, leading to irritation. It's crucial to perform a patch test before incorporating it into your perineal massage routine.

Is grapeseed oil considered safe for perineal massage?

Yes it is and it is used for various skin care applications. Known for its light and non-greasy texture. It is easily absorbed by the skin, making it a good choice for massaging the perineum. Grapeseed oil is considered non-comedogenic, meaning it is less likely to clog pores. This is important for preventing irritation, especially in sensitive areas.

Is Avocado Oil safe for perineal massage?

Avocado oil is known for its rich nourishing properties and as such is a great choice for perineal massage. Rich in vitamins and mimics the skin’s natural oils so makes for a good choice of oil.

Once you know the type of oils you can use for this delicate area, it is important to ensure that your oil is pure and of a high quality to ensure there are no impurities or irritants.

Time to blow my trumpet but my own Perineal Massage Oil will do this job for you perfectly!

Not only is this product superior quality, 100% natural and award winning but it was created by a midwife. Someone who knows about pregnancy and birth and who has designed this product to be absolutely perfect for use on your most intimate bits.

Comprising grapeseed oil, jojoba oil and avocado oil, My Perineal Massage Oil offers a gentle and nourishing blend of 100% natural oils. Its thoughtfully chosen ingredients work synergistically to moisturise and prepare the perineal area for childbirth. What sets it apart is its commitment to purity and quality, ensuring a fragrance-free and hypoallergenic experience.

Choosing the right oil for perineal massage is important and prioritizing self-care during this transformative period not only promotes physical well-being but also fosters a sense of connection between mother and baby.

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