Our team of highly qualified professionals will fully prepare you for the emotional and physical journey into parenthood with structured, evidence-based, online classes and support. Attend Online Antenatal Classes, Pre/Post Natal Wellness & Baby Developmental Massage Classes.
Try Our Free Online Antenatal Classes
Natural Labour & Birth
Part 1
We will discuss topics relating to preparation, late pregnancy, signs of labour, and straightforward birth.
Pregnancy Yoga
Relax and unwind in the comfort of your own home with our beautiful pregnancy yoga. Helping you prepare both mentally and physically for labour and birth.
Early Pregnancy
So, you are having a baby! Now what? Join The Honest Midwife and find out everything you need to know about the next few weeks and your pregnancy ahead.
Online Antenatal Classes
Natural Labour & Birth
Part 1 - FREE
We will discuss topics relating to preparation, late pregnancy, signs of labour, and straightforward birth.
Induction and
Instrumental Birth
Part 2
This class will ensure that nothing comes as a surprise and that you understand everything that may be recommended.
Caesarean Section Workshop
Part 3
Fully understand what a Caesarean section entails and how to look after yourself in the recovery period.
Infant Feeding
Rewriting the rulebook! Looking at breastfeeding and formula feeding too, and fully outlining the physiology of the milk production system!
Practical Parenting
Never even held a baby before? The practicalities of caring for a newborn, covering everything from delayed cord clamping to changing nappies!
Wellbeing Workshop
A great opportunity to explore some of the unexpected challenges that parenthood can bring. Helping you and your partner to stay strong and support each other through your parenting journey.

Private 1-2-1 Appointment
Sometimes you just want to chat things through. Ideal for discussing birth options, VBAC, feeding concerns, making difficult decisions or just for reassurance.
First Days Baby Massage
Helping your baby relax into life outside the womb! Practical information to help you bond with your baby, release physical birth trauma, and give them the best possible start.
Infant & Child First Aid
This class will give you the knowledge and confidence to manage an emergency first aid situation should the need arise. Covers CPR, Choking, Bleeding, Bumps, and much more.
Barkers & Babies
Worried about how your furry friend will take to your new baby? Our Kennel Club Accredited Trainer provides the hints and tips you need for your favourite babies to hit it off from the start!
Online Antenatal Courses
Hypnobirthing Course
Complete 4-Week Workshop
Week 1: Hypnobirthing Workshop
Week 2: Breathing & Visualisation
Week 3: Birth Environment & Aromatherapy
Week 4: Touch & Rescue