Learn at your own pace
Prepare yourself for all eventualities through and after pregnancy to birth.
These online self-paced video series, taught by midwife Louise Broadbridge, will provide just that!
Fluff Free Hypnobirthing
A massive e-learning package designed to help you fully understand what your body is doing during labour and how you can help it do it. All the great elements of hypnobirthing delivered with reality in mind!
Infant Feeding
Rewriting the rulebook! Looking at not just at breastfeeding but formula feeding and covering the physiology of the milk production system!

Wellbeing Workshop Package
Never has there been a more important time to check how each other are doing. Becoming a parent can throw you curve balls that you just weren’t expecting.

Sign for Babies
Take away those frustrations by learning how
to use sign language to communicate with
your little one. A great start class to help you
get chatting to your baby much earlier!

Go, Baby Grow Package
Baby brain development made simple! Join Amy to learn about your baby’s brain in the womb through to age 2, so you can feel confident in raising an emotionally healthy baby!

First Days Baby Massage
A beautiful class to teach you gentle touch, massage and hold for those first few weeks. Helping to settle baby into life in the outside world.